
2017-2020 Holden RG Colorado HMI2.5 Custom Programming (Logo, Theme, VIM, Rear Camera in Motion)

In this demonstration, we show the available custom programming options for the 2017 to 2020 Holden RG Colorado HMI 2.5.

This custom programming includes:

1) Modify theme.
There are various themes which customize the overall look of the main HMI home screen.

2) Change startup logo.
There are many different logos for various different brands, perfect for any vehicle conversions of custom touches.

3) Unlock all video playback options
This allows supporting more video types (ie. MP4, AVI ect) then usually allowed from factory.

4) Unlock video in motion (VIM).
Video in Motion allows video to be played when outside of Park.

5) Unlock rear camera in motion (RCIM).
Rear Camera in Motion allows displaying the reverse camera for a period of time while driving forward.
This change requires modifying the rear view camera wiring to be powered by ignition power instead of the reverse lights.

For more information and pricing, please head to our OBDSync product page.

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