
Holden VE E38 Engine Control Module (ECM) Tuner Lock Removal and Unlocking

This quick tutorial demonstrates how to find and remove a custom tuner lock on a Holden E38 ECM.

The unlocking procedure can take up to 7days to complete, but typically takes less then 24hours to find the custom key depending on what software was used for locking.

Once the custom key is found, it will provide the option to remove this custom lock which will then allow reading and writing the ECM using suitable tuning software.

The tuner lock removal does not modify the ECM tune in any way. This means the original tune can be read out and modified if desired.

Alternatively a factory tune can be flashed in using the flash tab in OBDSync to return it back to stock for a fresh start.

OBDSync automatically keeps track of all the various keys attempted for that specific vehicle/ECU, meaning you can pause and restart the unlocking process at any time without losing any progress.

Ontop of that, we understand things can go wrong, so even if the laptop battery goes flat, there will be a record of the progress made which will allow continuing on once set back up.

This procedure is suitable for all VZ, VE and VF’s fitted with an E38 engine computer.

For more information and pricing, please head to our OBDSync product page.

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