
How to Turn Ignition On in Push Start GM Vehicle for Programming with OBDSync

This very simple and short guide demonstrates how to turn the ignition on without starting the engine in General Motor vehicles.

It is quite common for us to hear from GM owners that they did not know how to do this, or were unaware of the orange/green light differences.

Orange light indicates that the vehicle is in “accessories” mode, which means the vehicle only stays on for a very short time.

Green light indicates that the vehicle is “ignition on” mode, which means the vehicle will stay on for a long period of time.

When reading or writing to the vehicle with OBDSync, it is very important to ensure there is a green light on the push start to ensure the ignition is on to allow for a seamless programming session.

If ignition is not on, or vehicle is left in accessories mode (orange light), this can result in a flash failing mid way and leave a module in a failed or recovery state.

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